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Worship with Us on Sundays
8:00 a.m. Traditional Service
10:30 a.m. Prayer and Praise Service

Fifth Sundays:  10:30 a.m
Only ONE Blended Worship Service

Childcare available

9:15 a.m. Christian Education

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About LCOS

Stewardship & Charitable Giving

Worship can be described as the highest form of stewardship. Worship changes hearts by refocusing our definition of treasure. Instead of valuing the gift, we place value on the Giver. Our generosity becomes grounded in the generosity of God's blessing and incarnational gift of life "given for us." Simply put, worship teaches us to say "thank you."

Stewardship is a part of discipleship, how we live our lives as followers of Jesus Christ, the example of giving to his brothers and sisters.  Since stewardship, alms, tithing, may either be unfamiliar or full of baggage, you may find help in the ELCA has document, Biblical Advice for Cheerful Givers.  Also, this church extends its impact far beyond maintenance of this congregation.  See the missional activities below and note that as part of the ELCA, a part of this congregation's benevolence goes to our region, national, and international relief, advocacy, mission, and ministry programs.  For information in general, see the ELCA document Where Your Offerings Go.  Even better, see this video, "Living Daring Confidence" for Bishop Mark Hanson's message to Synod Assemblies about the differences that we are making as part of the larger ELCA organization.

For this congregation's specifics, get a copy of our annual report from the church office and watch the newsletter and bulletins and the home page of this website for all of the additional gatherings of food, toys, hygiene supplies, clothing, and creation of quilts, diapers, laprobes, and numerous other gifts of comfort.  Here at LCOS, we love to give!

Committee Information

The committee meets periodically throughout the year. If you need more information please contact the Stewardship Committee Chairperson,

Simply Giving

Simply Giving is an automated giving program from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans designed to help you conveniently, consistently and joyfully give financial gifts to help your congregation’s ministry.  You simply sign up to have your gift automatically deducted from the account that you designate at the frequency you select.  Simply Giving helps the giver by eliminating check writing and the congregation by facilitating consistency in giving, eliminating some of the drop off in offerings that can be problematic during summers and vacations.  The giver can change the designated amount at any time.

Simply Giving is a straightforward stewardship tool offered as a relevant modern-times option in response to the timeless gift of grace.

The commitment to good stewardship starts with you. It allows you to share first fruits through planned giving and activates your stewardship into an ongoing, generous response.

Return the authorization form to the Shepherd's Staff mail slot in the church office.  The document has been formatted for use with Microsoft Word.    Click to Download the Authorization Form

Time and Talent

We share our time, talents, and treasures here and in the community.  ELCA's online spiritual gifts assessment can help you discern your gifts. Many forms of giving of time and talent along with financial giving can be seen through the activities of the congregation on site and in the community.  Gifts related to facility maintenance, office work, handcrafts, music, education, drama, childcare, and many others are put to use at LCOS.  See the list of current activities on the home page or contact a representative of the Council for ways in which you can get more involved.  Or just ask someone how you can be a part of what they are doing.  A lot of the fun here is had while working towards something meaningful with some wonderful people. 

People and Programs supported by this congregation include but are not limited to:

California Lutheran University
Central City Lutheran Mission                 CCLM List (pdf)
ELCA Disaster Response
Inland Congregations United for Change (ICUC)
LifeHouse Theater
Loma Linda Ronald McDonald House

Lutheran Maritime Ministries                   LMM Shoebox List
Mary's Mercy Center
Missionary John Lunn

Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission
San Bernardino animal shelters               Animal Care List (pdf
Touch of Home                                     Touch of home list (pdf)

 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, and whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." John: 3:16